Be honest, how many times have you logged onto a dating site in the past week? Once?...Twice?...An hour?...A minute? Don’t get me wrong, we want you to use our site, but we’re also fully aware of how addictive online dating can be. That is why we wanted to discuss this subject along with ways to avoid becoming obsessed with ‘logging on’. We want all our members to be happy and enjoy themselves. Dating, casual or otherwise is supposed to be fun, not an obsession.
Are you happy?
People often get this question confused with another one; are you lonely? There is a big difference between being happy and being lonely. You can be a very healthy and happy person but still feel lonely and yes, horny which is where we and other dating sites can help. However you must learn the distinction between the two questions. Being happy with yourself will more likely lead to an exciting encounter with a fuck buddy. Being negative because you’re not happy with yourself will often lead to disaster.
So before you venture any further into this site do take a long hard look at yourself and ask; am I a happy person?
Do you suffer from online dating addiction?
Dating, online and off has often been described as a ‘crack habit’. You get a warm familiar fuzzy feeling whenever a message pings into your inbox and it is intoxicating. If you’re spending more then four hours a day just trawling through profiles on dating sites, then you need to take a step back.
How can I avoid becoming addicted?
Whilst we disagree with the comparison of dating being like a ‘crack habit’ we do agree that it is a habit and most of the time a healthy one. However like any habit, you must learn to regulate it. This means that in addition to spending your time online looking for a fuck buddy, you must go out and live in the real world too. It’s easy to talk to someone online but if you are to meet up with a potential sex partner you also need to be able to interact with people away from the computer.
Get some exercise, see your friends, enjoy your life and when you come back online this positivity will be evident to anyone you message or chat to. It will make your experience on this site and any other that much more enjoyable and healthy.
Having an online dating addiction is not going to endear you to anyone looking for some sexy fun.
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