Christmas makes women hornier
Hooking up in Ireland this Christmas
Christmas in Ireland is such a lovely time to be there. The lights come out, the pubs have more people in them, everyone is in a better mood. Christmas is also a great time to find a fuck buddy in Ireland. Why and how you might ask? Well all me to explain it to you.
More people want to find a fuck buddy during this time
At Christmas we are bombarded with pictures of people having a great time, Christmas films about people finding other people to sleep with, the whole kissing under the mistletoe thing suddenly comes out in force. Christmas is a time of being inside, in the...
Finding a fuck buddy in Australia during Christmas
Christmas is such a fabulous time to find a fuck buddy. There is a festive mood in the air, people have some time off that they can use to hook up with other people, everyone is (generally) in a good mood. The weather is great… what more can you ask for? Christmas also brings with it certain drivers that make people more likely to want to hook up.
The time of year
December is perfect beach weather. The sun is high, the beaches are sandy and smooth… and for some reason this makes it feel like all the hot people come out to play. Where have they been hiding during other times...
Find a fuck buddy for Christmas
Today, the 25th November 2020, we are exactly one month away from Christmas. It is coming around fast and will be here before you know it! Christmas is a great time. Friends, family, food and hopefully someone to fuck at the end of it! We all want someone to kiss under the mistletoe, even if it is just for that night, and there is nothing wrong with a Christmas hook up. Many people will be actively searching for something more at Christmas, a relationship rather than a friends with benefits set up. I am here to tell you that at Christmas time you are much better off finding a fuck buddy...
Get Kinky this Christmas!
Christmas is coming, and there has never been a better time to make someone come! The holidays provide lots of time to get down and dirty, and the dark days with twinkly lights only makes everyone look that little bit sexier. Dark, mood lighting makes everyone more attractive. The early sunset also means the night starts early, so you can booty call a fuck buddy much earlier than you might usually. It is also a great excuse to do something different, to mix it up a little. Why not give your fuck buddy something a little special this Christmas by getting a little kinky in the bedroom? You...
New Year – Clean sexual slate
Christmas has come and gone, and what a Christmas it has been. America has made some huge steps globally, and we have a brand new president coming in, and whether you like Donald Trump or not, you can be sure he is going to shake things up and change things one way or another. The new year brings with it all the promise of a fresh start. All the mistakes of the year get washed away, leaving you with the opportunity to start over, a clean slate, for everyone. So how does this affect dating and sex?
Time to get over your Ex – and go have sex
If you have been...
Does Christmas make women hornier?
As a teenage Xander Harris famously said in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer; “Looking at Linoleum makes me want to have sex.”
Possibly one of the funniest but most accurate lines Joss Whedon has written in his time. But he hit the nail on the head there. For most guys, it doesn’t take much to get us in the mood for a bit of action in the bedroom.
But women approach sex from a slightly different angle.
Tis the season to be sexy
Christmas; rather then being the most wonderful time of the year, it often turns out to be one of the most...