One of the best things about having a fuck buddy is that you can really explore different ways of having sex. When you are in a more traditional relationship, the focus of the relationship (or the purported focus) is not the sex. I think that many of us can acknowledge however that one of the foundational elements of any coupling is the physical aspects, especially if you are in a monogamous partnership. If you are sleeping with more than one person you have an opportunity to mix things up and the sex can be less important (as you are also getting it from elsewhere), however, when it is just one person then they have to be able to fulfil your desires to make it work long term. With a fuck buddy, you can talk about the sex and discuss what is good and bad. You have greater scope to refine how you treat each other and are with each other. Each time you make an improvement to your performance in bed, it is a win for the both of you! So it really is in both your interests to explore sex together. One of the things that you can play with is different sex positions.
Most sex positions involve you lying down. This is great. It is comfortable, it requires less energy and work, you don’t have to be as fit to pull off the moves, and you are in a perfect position to have a cuddle afterwards if you decide you would like to. Sometimes, it is good to mix it up. Standing positions can also be great for completely different reasons. If you want to try one out, I highly recommend the “ballet dancer” position… and the best thing is you don’t have to be a ballet dancer to do it.
The person being penetrated wraps one of their legs around the other. That is it! Easy right?! I will warn you though, this can get quote tiring if you are not used to it and you don’t have anything to hook it on. With that in mind, I highly recommend that you hook the leg on something. This could be a door jam, if you have them lean against a chest of drawers you can rest it on that. If their back is to a wall, you can (for some of it) have them press your leg against the wall as they lean back, holding it in place so you don’t have to… and for those few of you reading this that are actual ballet dancers, fo you, lift your leg all the way up and rest it against their shoulder instead!
So give this a go next time you want to mix things up. Good luck have fun!
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