easy sex pickings
After almost two (2) years of drought, sex is easier to find
The covid-19 pandemic was devastating to our way of life. Businesses closed, social gatherings were banned, and you could only meet up in limited numbers. It was a tough time for all involved and the reduction in our interactions did not just end with an inability to be able to go to for a drink, it also had a huge impact on the number of sexual partners we were meeting.
People reduced the amount of sex they were having for a number of reasons. In many cases, this was caused by an inability to meet lots of other available people face to face. With the social gathering places shut...
New year’s eve – one of the easiest times to get laid
If you are coming into new years and you haven’t got someone to sleep with over the holiday period, fear not! New year’s is one of the easiest times to sleep with someone. It is also the 2nd most popular time to become single, so a whole bunch of people are about to come on the market, and a bunch of them are likely looking for you!
Times of year
There are certain times of year when it is easier to get laid, and it all comes down to emotion. There are certain points in the year, when people are made to feel more insecure about being single. They feel much worse for...