good in bed
Get good at sex – top three tasks
There are certain things in life that we learn naturally without making effort in order to achieve them. No one really remembers having to try to learn to walk, or talk, but these are complex actions that require a lot of learning and co-ordination, yet we do them without thinking about them, and without considering the effort that went into the task of getting good at them.
Other things have to be learnt, but some people are naturals in different areas. Some people are naturally skilled at dancing or working with their bodies. Other people are naturally brainy, and do very well with...
The 7 Signs that a sex partner is good in bed
The stereotype of the perfect sex partner is usually the following:
- Good Looking
- Perfect body
- Willing to engage in whatever sexual fantasy you please
The truth of having someone who’s good in bed couldn’t be further from the stereotype. Your perfect sex partner might be tall, small, fat, thin, younger, older, hyper intelligent, a bit dim…none of those superficial things really matter. What actually matters is the amount of chemistry you have with them in the bedroom. So what are the signs we all look for?
1. He/She is clean...