good sex guide
Get good at sex – top three tasks
There are certain things in life that we learn naturally without making effort in order to achieve them. No one really remembers having to try to learn to walk, or talk, but these are complex actions that require a lot of learning and co-ordination, yet we do them without thinking about them, and without considering the effort that went into the task of getting good at them.
Other things have to be learnt, but some people are naturals in different areas. Some people are naturally skilled at dancing or working with their bodies. Other people are naturally brainy, and do very well with...
Kegel exercises for men: better sex guide
So you have heard of something called a Kegel exercise. You know a little about it, but not a lot. Your mate told you that it can make you better in bed. He probably said something like “it’ll make you a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus”. You were sceptical, but you decided to look it up anyway. Well fear not, I am about to tell you everything you could want to know about Kegel exercises.
What are Kegel exercises?
A Kegel exercise is an exercise where you consciously contract then relax your pelvic floor muscles. Repetition of this movement is like a press up,...
Break the Routine for Better Sex
For most of us sex happens in the same places. There may be more than one, but often we cycle between the same settings, and even the same times of day as well. As humans we are creatures of habit, once we learn that something both works for us and i good we tend to stick within those bounds. We all know it, its called our comfort zone. This is not a bad thing by any means. One of the core requirements to reach orgasm is lack of stress, and familiarity brings with it a bucket load of confidence, which can easily help to translate to a really good time in bed!!
That being said, there...