how to get a girls number
Finding a fuck buddy: cities vs rural areas
When it comes to finding a fuck buddy, people say that it is a numbers game. There is some truth in this. The more people that there are to chose from, the more likely you are to find someone that you are compatible with. With a large pool of people the system as a whole is more forgiving. If you make mistakes or are still learning, you have the opportunity to make mistakes with people, learn from that and then never see them ever again. You also can test things out more boldly because of the large pool of people. Want to try something a bit unusual during the courtship phase, go for it!...
How to chat up a girl in the street
There are girls everywhere, literally. In the shops, the malls, the streets, the pubs, the clubs. There are women working in the sewers, on the trains, sweeping the streets just as much as in the board rooms or at the head of multi million pound companies. They are everywhere doing everything, and yet somehow we think that the only place that we can meet a girl is in a pub or a club...
This concept that you have to go somewhere to meet a girl is total nonsense. You can find someone almost anywhere, and at any time, and you never know when you are going to meet your perfect 10. The...