virtual sex
The VR Fuck Buddy has arrived
In the time of the coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of users of online porn and sex sites have spiked as much as the spread of the pandemic! As more and more people were confined to their homes, people’s natural need and desire for sex started to drive them to virtual and digital sources for respite. In this regard the usual sources of sexual stimulation are all thriving. Online porn sites and google searches for explicit content have increased, and with the flood of extra visitors and revenue, companies have been investing in expanding the technology in order to be able...
Is a virtual fuck buddy only a matter of time?
When it comes to having sex, as a species we have been finding ways to simulate it for as long as modern memory remember. We have been using our hands to jack off or pleasure ourselves for generations, and whilst we have no firm evidence of it, I am sure that we have been experimenting with rubbing ourselves up and down inanimate objects for just as long! There is a species of monkey that is famous for allowing fruit to “go bad” then eating it, because then the fruit has actually begun to ferment which means they get drunk off it! They are also the same species that are well known for...