when not to have sex
How long do you wait before texting a fuck buddy?
Finding a fuck buddy is a process. That process can sometimes be really quick. Maybe you are out for the night, you see someone you like, you go over and it is instant chemistry! Bam – you both head back together to yours/theirs and you have a great night together. The next day you roll over and you still like what you see, and they do as well, so you exchange numbers and before you know it you have a fuck buddy on speed dial! It can happen like that. For a lot of people though, it does not happen as easily as this. For most people there is a bit of a process that has to take place on the...
Things not to do with a fuck buddy if you want to keep them
What is a fuck buddy? A fuck buddy is someone that you have and enjoy sex with, but there is no emotional or relationship attachment outside of the sex. It is someone you are focused on having sex with. You have a clear agreement that it is, what is known as, a no-strings attached relationship. If it is a friend, then they are also often known as friends with benefits. This can be a life-changing thing for both of you, bringing a lot of fun, happiness and well-being to all involved. There are ways to fuck it up however. With that in mind, here are my top tips for things not to do with a...
When should you NOT have sex?
Yes, sex can be great. It can be amazing! It can make you feel things that nothing else in this world can make you feel. Yet it can also be dangerous for your mental health if you don’t know what you’re doing. Sex despite how much we promote it, needs to be taken seriously if you are to enjoy it properly and not get yourself into any problems.
So today we ask the question; when should you not be having sex?
The Answers
1. If you are mentally unwell
Whilst sex can provide great positive endorphins flowing through your body,...