Welcome to the fuck buddy website the place where we help you find a fuck buddy for mutual benefits (without the strings). Today we are talking about what you can text the day after having had a hook up to see if your fuck buddy of the night before might be interested in, well, doing it again!
Finding a fuck buddy can be straightforward. With the advent of online dating, meeting someone has never been easier. Whilst messaging remains the strongest way to meet someone, you can even reach for a swipe based app if you need to lower the barrier to entry further. This means you are going to be meeting a number of people, some of whom you might sleep with once but then not really want to sleep with again. There will come along someone that you would like to see again. This might be simply because you had a really great time and you want more of the same. It might also be because the sex itself wasn’t mind blowing, but the whole thing feels like it has a lot of potential and you want to explore it more. First time sex can be hard and it can take a few to get it going. So, if you want to see someone again, you need to text. If you are not sure what to open with or say, why no give one of these recommended next day openers to see if they can help?
“I want more!”
(if the sex was okay)
This is a strong move but this in itself is going to help you. Confidence is an attractive trait. The more confident you are, the more likely they are to want to come back for more. People also want to be wanted, and this sends a good, but not stated message, that you want them. It is also short and there is something quite powerful about sending short messages. This is a solid choice.
“You did something legendary to me last night”
(if the sex was great!)
This has to be used with care. If the sex was average you cannot send this. They will know the truth of the matter and will sense the lack of honesty it this if it lacks truth. So if it was okay sex do not send this. However, if, in fact, the sex was genuinely amazing and they did do something special, lean into this and go for it! It will land really well.
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