Sex is amazing, this is not a disputed fact. A large part of what we do is about our ability and desire to have sex. The earning of money is about the buying of fancy things, and a lot of that is about looking like an attractive sexual mate. I am sure that driving a superfast £250,000+ car is super fun, but when you are living and driving in a city where the top speed is only 25mph due to traffic, what is the point of having that kind if car? Well, it still serves its purpose to display your wealth and power, your ability to find and get things which would then be shared with whatever sexual partner you had at the time. It really is all about sex, and it works! You rock up to a party in a car that costs more than a house, with a watch that is a year’s salary for the average working man and you will get more people vying to be your fuck buddy than if you arrived in a shabby coat with holes in your shoes. So why do we chase sex so much? Well partly it is an inbuilt survival mechanism to preserve the species, but also it is because it is amazing! Ever wondered why you enjoy having sex with your fuck buddy so much? Here are some answers!
Sex has a huge effect on the brain, in fact, a 2016 study showed that the brain may be the most important sexual organ. The brain does rely on interpreting what is happening from other parts of the body. So for the brain to engage during sex, it must receive signals that communicate pleasure. More specifically, it must interpret the signals that it is receiving as pleasurable, which is where personal tastes can come into play. What one person feels is sexual ecstasy, another may interpret as pain, so the way that your brain is wired can really change things.
Once the brain has these pleasure signals, it will start to change the state of the body. Prolactin levels rise after orgasm and dopamine is secreted. Dopamine, in particular, is a hormone that is linked with motivation and reward – thus driving us to push for sex harder. Oxytocin is also released, and this is a hormone that is connected with the feelings of intimacy and closeness. Serotonin is also released, along with Norepinephrine which constricts the blood vessels which makes your genitals more sensitive.
There is a lot going on during sex. Thankfully we don’t have to think about any of this, even if it is our brains doing all the work! We can just focus on making sure both ourselves and our fuck buddy are having a good time and the brain will add all the other ingredients to make sure that the sex is amazing.
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