Sex is amazing. It comes in all sorts of different flavours. You can have fast sex and slow sex, soft sex and rough sex, sex where you make love to the other person and sex where you are just fucking their brains out. The best sex is also driven by emotion. Usually these emotions include a lot of lust mixed in with desire and some frustration (that you are seeking to release). The one type of sex that people rarely have is angry sex. Angry sex can be great, but it must be done in the right way. In this article, I am going to tell you why angry sex can be amazing and help you with some guidance on how to have angry sex.
Why angry sex can be amazing
Quite often the enjoyment of the sex that we have is based on the strength of emotion that we feel. If we really like the other person, if we are really turned on and driven by desire, that creates a strong emotion that then drives the sex. Interestingly though, the type of emotion is less important than we think it is. Conventional wisdom says that having sex with a fuck buddy that you love is going to be much better than having sex with a fuck buddy that you hate. In terms of the enjoyment of the sex itself, this is not entirely accurate. Strong emotion can bring out a strong experience, and so it is that angry sex can be a fantastic flavour of sex to experience! You have all that tension, stress and anger that can pour out of you and drive the sex forward to an explosive finish. You have the aftermath of relaxing having gotten it all out of your system. It can be amazing.
When never to have angry sex
If you genuinely do not like the person and are really angry with them, do not have sex with them. This can get out of hand fast and end badly for everyone. Just do not risk it.
How to have safe angry sex
The key is consent. The best thing to do is have the conversation about having angry sex when you are not angry with each other. In the calm and openness of being in a good mood, make some agreements about what you want and where the line is. Are you happy to be slapped in the face at the start? Do you need a safe word to put in just in case it gets out of hand (something I strongly suggest that everyone with a fuck buddy does in any event). Once you have an agreement in place, you are ready to go.
Have fun!
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