Despite endless writing about the hundreds of different sex positions people use, there are several that most couples continually go back to because they work. Everything else is just a variation and everyone should worry less about whether or not they’re being ‘imaginative’ enough when it comes to sex. You can always try new things, but there are classics that are classics for a reason: they work. Below are the top sex positions that every man loves (whether he knows it or not).
1. Woman on Top
Not only does this give a guy the best view of his partner, it allows her to set the speed and control the penetration. We guys love this because we get to see your tits, play with them, kiss you and place our hands on your hips – again one of the sexiest points of a woman. Plus we tend not to come as quickly in this position if you’re controlling it right.
2. Reverse Cowgirl
There’s a reason we’re always staring at a woman’s arse – we love it! This position gives us the best view of your arse and lets us fondle your breasts too whilst you’re riding us up and down. Don’t be afraid to try this position more often as we love it!
3. Missionary
A classic for a reason: it bloody works! We get to penetrate a woman deeply or shallowly depending on our mood whilst seeing the look of pleasure on their face. Plus we get to fondle your tits, your legs, your hips, your stomach…pretty much everything we love about you.
4. Doggie Style
Nothing – and I mean nothing – feels quite as manly as fucking a woman from behind. We get to grab your arse, slap it and bite it if we’re in the mood. And all whilst doing you hard and slowly from behind. We can grab your breasts too if we want to.
5. Holding you up against a wall with your legs wrapped around us
This is primal. We get to hold your arse whilst thrusting you up against a wall and fucking you hard and fast. This has a very animalistic nature to it and it’s why we love doing it. We can’t do it all the time, but when we’re in the mood, we can lift any woman up and do her hard and fast. Sexy!
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