If you think trying to decide what to wear on a first date is a nightmare, then imagine how hard it is trying to decide what to wear when meeting up with a fuck buddy for the first time.
We all know how much time we spend on trying to impress someone on a first date. We want to look amazing, fabulous and sexy. But when it comes to trying to impress a fuck buddy for the first time, clothes usually only get thought about at the last minute. Because you’ve already spent time looking at revealing photos of your potential partner online, the thought of what you should wear when going to meet them in person rarely crosses your mind. And then all of a sudden it’s time to meet them and you panic!
To try and assuage your fears, we’ve compiled a short list on the outfits you should try when going to meet your f-buddy for the very first time.
What to wear
The phrase ‘less is more’ couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to deciding what to wear for your first meet up. Importance should be placed first and foremost on your underwear.
1. Sexy Underwear
There is nothing more off-putting to having sex with someone than scruffy, faded or dirty underwear. You’re trying to impress your partner and entice them into having long hot sweaty sex with you. Dress to impress and make sure your underwear is sexy, flattering and revealing.
2. Tight fitting clothes can work
If you’re trying to show off your curves, then wearing baggy clothes just isn’t going to cut it. Make sure you show off what you’ve got and accentuate every angle and curve of your sexy body. This means leggings and tight tops for the ladies, and form fitting jeans and shirts for the men. A snappy suit doesn’t hurt your chances either.
3. Not too much jewellery
Earrings and necklaces can be very sexy and used in foreplay and during sex to turn you both on even more. But if you turn up to your date looking like Mr T. or a 70s stripper, then you’re more likely to go home early then wake up early for more sex.
4. Not too much make up
More for the ladies (but guys take note as well), make up can be great if used properly. However contrary to what Cosmo and who knows how many other style mags there are out there, men do not like women who wear too much makeup. Why? Because you’re not showing us your real face. There’s nothing worse than waking up next to someone in the morning and getting a shock when you see who’s lying in the bed next to you.
5. Easy to remove
When you’re busy seducing someone there’s nothing worse than spending ages trying to get their trousers/skirt/dress/legins etc off. Make sure your outfit is easy to take off.
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