If you go into any bookshop in the world (online or off) they’ll always be a section labelled ‘romance’ or ‘erotic’. It’s usually segregated off from the main fiction and biopic displays, and in many cases is often hidden at the back like some dirty little secret. But stories that involve a lot of graphic sex are hugely popular! Why? Because sex is hugely popular!
Yet we hide these stories like they’re something to be ashamed about.
Well no more.
A Story for Bedtime
Everyone is always talking about sex. Everyone is always describing sex either to a friend or fuck buddy or partner. We talk dirty to each other on the phone and in bed…but how often do we read or tell truly sexy stories to get us all turned on and in the mood?
Today we’re going to share with you some sexy stories that have been sent to us by members that they have used or experienced to help them get in the mood for some heavy sex sessions.
“Lightning” by S.Masters
Tonight he fucked me like I’ve never been fucked before. The sex was electrifying. It started with a passionate kiss that caught me completely off guard, grabbing my neck with his hand and pulling me forward until his lips were pressed hard against mine. It felt like a car crashing into a wall in slow motion.
Pure electricity.
The kiss sent a bolt of lightning down my body making every pore of my skin tingle with anticipation. I could feel waves of pulsing electric heat flow through my vagina filling it up until all I wanted was for it to engulf his penis. And then he went inside me with his fingers, stroking, flowing in rhythm with the pulses I could feel throughout my body. It was all I could do not to scream out in ecstasy…every sensation was causing me to burn with desire and barely contained passion.
How many seconds went by I don’t know but very soon I could feel my body begin to peak towards a full orgasm and I had to have him inside me now! I pushed his hand away and pulled his neck down to my face with one hand whilst with the other I grabbed his penis and plunged it inside my vagina until he was deep within me. My body cringed with happiness and lightning was flowing throughout my body. My orgasm was instant. He can’t have been inside me for longer than 10 seconds and I was already moaning loudly, my entire body heaving with pleasure and excitement. He thrust and swirled inside me faster and faster maintaining my initial orgasm for longer than either of us anticipated.
It was the best sex I had ever had.
And it began with a kiss of lightning…
…there’s not really much else to say except…shit…really have to go and text a fuck buddy now…
Happy fucking!
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