We’ve been receiving some email from members who have been asking some questions that lead us to believe that not everyone is certain of the rules when it comes to messaging and meeting up with fuck buddies.
As a result I would like to take you through some recommended ‘grind rules’ (if you’ll forgive the pun. It’s important that everyone has a great experience on F-Buddy and we want to help you to hook up in a safe and fun environment. After all what’s the point if you can’t do that?
1. Be Responsible
This can cover a wide range of rules, but in general if you can remember this phrase above all, then everything should follow along neatly. Be responsible when you’re meeting a play mate or fuck buddy. Respect their wishes, desires and when someone says ‘no’ it means ‘no’.
2. Protect yourself
I’m not just talking sexually (although you should definitely be doing that as well!), I’m talking about keeping in touch with a few close friends to let them know where you are.
3. Meet in a public place before fucking
Would you just go round to someone’s house before you even met them? Would you be comfortable having someone coming to your house before you even met them? Okay some of you might be, but in general I would always advise meeting in a coffee shop or anywhere public before getting down to some fucky fucky business.
4. Trust your instincts
If someone seems awesome…go for it! If someone seems dodgy, do not meet up with them. Trust your gut…it rarely steers you wrong.
5. Do not tolerate harassment
If another member starts bombarding you with messages or texts before or after an encounter, report it to us. We will investigate and if necessary suspend or terminate their membership. In extreme cases we will refer matters to the appropriate authorities and/or provide guidance and advice for you over what to do.
6. Safe Sex ALWAYS!
We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again…PRACTICE SAFE SEX! STDs are easily caught often without someone’s knowledge. It’s easy to get carried away, but we would recommend to ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTION!
7. Communicate clearly with each other
Being certain about what you both desire and want will save any embarrassment or discomfort later on. Be honest and open and you’ll have more fun.
If you have any questions or comments about the site or how we can help make your experience better please don’t hesitate to contact us!
In the meantime, happy fucking!
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