If you’re looking for mind blowing sex from a member on our site then you need to know a few things first. For starters if you’re looking to hook up with a girl more than once then it’s wise to know how to get her off without the aid of a sex toy. Don’t get me wrong, sex toys are great but sometimes it feels good to make a woman come without resorting to using a dildo or a rabbit. Clitoral orgasms are the easiest to achieve, but G-Spot orgasms are something that seem to evade a lot of guys. So we’re going to tell you not only how to find the G-Spot, but how to stimulate it. Very soon you’ll have your F-Buddy squirting with pleasure.
Where is the G-Spot?
This is the first question every guy asks along with “Can I stimulate it?” Answer to the first question is simple. The G-Spot is located just behind the pubic bone on the top wall of the vagina. Usually it’s about halfway between the cervix and the vaginal opening. It feels a bit like a walnut; rough to the touch and once stimulated takes on a spongy feeling. Some women have trouble reaching it themselves which is where you come in.
Can I stimulate it?
Hell yeah! The easiest way is to insert two fingers into your F-Buddy’s vagina with your palm facing upward towards you. Use some lube to help slide your fingers up the wall until you feel that walnut spot. Once you’ve found it start using the ‘come here’ motion with your fingers. Basically imagine you’re gesturing at someone to ‘come over here’ using your fingers. It’s that exact same motion. This will stimulate the G-Spot and you’ll find your F-Buddy will start to feel intense sensations leading to a huge orgasm. This sometimes results in lots of liquid being ejected through the vagina due to the buildup of fluid in the G-Spot. Hence the term ‘squirting orgasm’.
Can I stimulate it during sex?
Yes you can, though it might take you a few more tries to hit the spot then just using your fingers. The best positions to hit the G-Spot with your penis are doggy style and the reverse cowgirl. The angle of penetration on both allows the head of the penis to rub upwards and backwards against the wall behind the pubic bone which is where the G-Spot is located. You can hit the G-Spot in the missionary position if you raise the woman’s hips and lower your own to angle your penis upwards against the wall of the vagina.
Have fun experimenting!
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