There are many fun things you can do in the bedroom to spice up your sex life and these can go from simple little things through to quite extreme complicated things! I wrote an article earlier this month about why it is sexy here. You can light a few candles to better set the mood, you could change your sheets to silk ones for a more sensual experience. If you want to take bigger actions you could fit a mirror on the ceiling, or paint the room sexy red. I terms of play you could get a camera and record yourself to make your own porn videos starting you, you could get some rope and start tying each other up, you could even bring flame into it with some serious fire play. It is all good fun – as long as you stay safe when doing it and you are both consenting and into it.
Food is one of the simpler things to bring into the bedroom because you already have it in your house! It is a familiar item, so it seems safer than say pulling out a ball gag! So if you are thinking about adding in some edible ingredients in order to spice things up in the bedroom, here are some things to think about!
Food not to use
Firstly eliminate all the food that you should not use. Anything too liquid is bad – covering a girl in soup before fucking her is not sexy it is just a little odd. Now odd can be fun – and if that is what you are going for this is a great choice – I wouldn’t start out with it. Anything that is super sticky could be an issue – deserts are something that is an immediate go to so just be careful about your choice of desert. Chocolate for example only becomes an issue when it melts so it’s a manageable amount – I would avoid sticky toffee pudding etc though!
Foods that are great in the bedroom
Certain foods have a sexual association already and these are the ones that you want to reach for. Strawberries are great – with all the pictures we have been exposed to of sexy women sucking on strawberries they carry a turn on element to them. Chocolate is again a food that boosts the happiness hormones and as long as you consume at a good speed then they don’t melt too much. Vodka jelly shots are brilliant if you want something alcoholic in the mix – though use with care. Too much alcohol can make you soft if you are a man.
So grab some food and get going – you are going to have a good time.
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