Yoga. The things it has done for the cause of helping sexy women get sexier is quite astonishing! It has taken okay women and propelled them into the realms of great looking. It has taken great looking girls and turned them into every man’s sexual fantasy. The occasional 10/10 model that has gotten involved has ascended to the level of sexual goddess. We have all seen pictures of hot girls doing yoga, and we’ve all see the music video of “call on me” by Eric Prydz which I swear was propelled to the top of the charts not particularly because the music is groundbreaking, but that the girls in the music video broke hearts the instant it was aired! If you haven’t seen it, stop reading this, go to you tube immediately and watch it right now! So what is the fantasy? Well it is pretty much summed up by the video.
The Fantasy
There is a yoga class. You are there. You are surrounded by a bunch of super hot girls. They look amazing in their various choices of yoga pants, leotards and hot pants. There is every conceivable type in the room. There is the long haired blond, there is the brunette. There is the red haired fiery looking girl, the girl with the legs that go on for miles and miles. There is small cute oriental girl that looks straight out of a manga cartoon, next to her is the lethal fem fatal woman – every inch of muscle finely toned. They are all there – and you are in the middle of them all. At the end of the class, after an hour of pure turn on action, you take one home and you fuck her brains out. It is amazing.
Turning the fantasy into reality
Turning this into reality is far easier than you think!
- Step one – go to a Yoga class.
- Step two – ignore the older woman that are there. Train your mind to delete them from your mental vision, to remove them from the memories you are creating in your brain. It is impossible to go to a yoga class without the older ladies – so accept this and just pretend they are not there.
- Step three – enjoy the class better by positioning your self behind the hottest girl.
- Step four – don’t rush it, but over the month get to know the girls, find the single one and ask her out
- Step five – get to the point of sex, but do not sleep with her! Hold back for some reason that you do not tell her
- Step six – go to a yoga class, after wards take the girl home and sleep with her!
Boom! That’s your fantasy achieved! Enjoy!
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