If a date is going well, both parties desire sex at the end of it. I want to be clear here, that is not to say that sex will definitely happen, only that it is what both people on the date actually want. So if you doubt that the person sitting opposite you wants to sleep with you, put all that doubt aside and know that it is the case. In many ways this is the only attitude that can serve you. If they don’t want to sleep with you then this is going nowhere anyway, if they do want to sleep with you then there is potential and it is possible that it is all good in the hood. If you act under the assumption that they don’t want to sleep with you then you will create the self fulfilling prophecy that leads you to finish the night alone in your bed. However, if you go with the take that they do want to sleep with you, if you are correct (and the odds are actually in your favour on this front) then you are much more likely to be able to manifest this into reality and be comfortably snuggled up with a warm and supple body next to you in the morning. All you need to do is ask them to come back to yours.
It is hard to ask
It has always been hard to ask this, because it will often time end in rejection. Well that is what your brain is telling you anyway. In reality the opposite is true but the only way you will ever believe that is by testing it and finding out for yourself. So it is hard because you don’t want the rejection, and they don’t want to feel like a slut for saying yes. The solution – don’t ask!
Ask a different question
You have to ask them to come back for sex without making it explicit that you are asking for sex, thus protecting your fragile ego and at the same time giving them the opportunity to say yes without feeling like a slut! How to do this? Here are some examples:
- Come back and see my fish
- Come ad meet my dog
- Wanna come back for hot chocolate – it’s coffee for the 21st century!
- You’ve never read XXX book? Crazy! Right we are going back to mine right now I am going to lend you my copy
It doesn’t matter how you ask it, the excuse is not important because really they know exactly what is going on, it just allows them to deny that they know what is going on, which is what they want to do!
So always ask them to come back to yours for sex, but do it in a way that allows them to ignore that you are talking about sex (even though they know exactly what is going on!).
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