One of the things that holds us back from having the sex life that we really desire, is our belief systems. What we think defines how we interpret the world around us. It is what will help us have the bravery to take big steps to change our lives for the better, it is also what can hold us back and prevent us from doing things. A simple example of this is the expectation of failure. If you think that you will fail at a given task, why bother even starting it? You know that doing it will use up your time and resources for no benefit to yourself. No one wants to toil at a task that they think will not get them anywhere. This can be applied to all areas of our lives, including sex. No one is going to try and get a fuck buddy if they think that it is impossible to get one. Thus, how you think about sex can, and will, change the quality of your sex life as well as the quantity of the sex that you have.
The big belief: women don’t want sex
There is a belief that is propagated that women don’t want to have sex. This is something that comes from before our generation. This belief makes men think that to get a fuck buddy the need to convince, cajole and seduce a woman into having sex because ultimately, she does not want to have sex. This is completely incorrect. The belief changes how men approach the minefield that is dating. They think that having a hook up is an unusual occurrence, that it takes a lot of time and effort to get a woman into bed because she does not want to be there. This could not be further from the truth.
The truth: everyone wants to have sex
Everyone wants to have sex. Men, women, bi, gay, straight… everyone wants to have a hook up, and few people would turn down the option to have a fuck buddy on the side if it was a genuinely no strings attached relationship. There are a small number of exceptions to this, but these are very small indeed.
So get out there
Knowing that everyone wants some, if you want some, why not go and get some! You will be doing them a favour! If you want sex, when you meet people, you can presume that they want sex as well. If in doubt, offer. You may be surprised at where that leads you.
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