mental health
Triggers to a low sex drive – psychological issues
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help like-minded individuals meet other people on the adult dating circuit for some no harm fun. Last article we spoke about triggers to a low sex drive. Having a high sex drive is important when adult dating. The main reason that people are getting together is for the sex. If the sex is not happening then the other person is not going to hang around for that much time! Some people suffer from a low sex drive and this can be caused by many things. Some of those things can be physical, which we spoke about in our...
Have sex to improve your mental health
There are a lot of conversations happening at the moment about mental health. The last 6 months of COVID-19 and the many fatalities that it has brought to the country have been hard on a lot of people. Furthermore, the reduced contact that a lot of people have had with their loved ones has been quite hard. Even just no longer seeing those people that you gave no thought to previously has had a detrimental effect. The person in the shop where you grab the paper, the guy you grab your coffee from in the morning, that person that you nod to in the lift that is usually running late for work...
Climbing Your Sexual Peak
Buddha once observed, “Inner calm cannot be maintained unless physical strength is constantly and intelligently replenished.”
Buddha’s observation is more relevant to hitting your sexual peak then any observation of age, and maintaining your physical health can have a huge affect on your sex life.
The Traditional & Medical Views
It has long been held that men hit their sexual peak in their teens – usually around the age of 18 – when testosterone levels are at their highest. Erections are more frequent and hard and sex pretty much invades the mind...