Judge people by how they look
When it comes to being sexy and getting laid, how you look makes a huge difference. In the modern world, we may talk a lot about how it the person that matters, that what someone is like in terms of character and attitude is the most important thing. I am not saying that for some people that it is not the most important thing, I am not saying that for many people that it is not an important factor because it is. What I am saying is that we cannot (and should not) ignore the all-important factor of how we look.
At a base level we are still human, we are part of the “animal kingdom...
At first glance sociosexuality sounds like a new type of sexual orientation and in a sense, it is. Rather than being an adjective to describe your gender preference sociosexuality refers more to your social attitude towards sex.
What’s the point of discussing it here?
As F-Buddy is a site designed to help people hook up for casual encounters sociosexuality is something very important to look at. It can play a big part in how much or how little you are able to enjoy casual sex. We want everyone who uses this site to enjoy it but the only way to do that is...