online dating advice
On line dating - It is a numbers game
Whether you are looking for a casual relationship, a one of threesome, a regular f-buddy, a long term relationship or even your hearts true love, it is actually all a numbers game.
When trying to get a girl or guy into a romantic or sexual context, we often out the onus on ourselves in terms of how it went. If it goes “badly” then we will instinctively look inwards to ourselves to see what we did “wrong” or even more what is wrong with us. That can often lead to incorrect assumptions about ourselves. I was too talky/I didn’t talk enough. I was too loud/I was too quiet. (S)He would...
Don’t allow dating to make you a dick
With dating there are inevitable moments where someone you like does not like you back. Or someone you kissed doesn't want to kiss you again. It gets harder to deal with the further down the line that you go. Someone you fuck doesn't want to fuck you again, or someone that you have spent a year with doesn't want another year. Even when the relationship is clearly defined and non monogamous it can still be disappointing. When a fuck buddy calls to say that she’s done her last booty call with you, even when the reason is nothing to do with relationships eg she is leaving the country, it can...