Bondage is not for everyone, though we’d wager a good proportion of users on our site have at least experimented with it at some point. However no matter how light or heavy the bondage there are some vital rules everyone should follow. Kinky sex can bring great orgasms and pleasure. It can also bring great injuries and pain.
Below is a list of rules compiled from some bondage professionals we have consulted in providing our members with as much safety information as possible. Follow the rules and have fun!
Bondage: A brief definition
Before we plough on with the rules, we thought it would be wise to fully define what we mean when we say ‘bondage’. Not everyone (even those who participate in it) is fully aware of what it means in a sexual context which is why accidents can occur.
So simply put bondage is the tying, restraining or binding of another person for the sexual and/or psychological pleasure of the parties involved.
Rather a cold definition isn’t it? But an accurate one.
Bondage can be amazing. But it does carry risks and we want you to be aware of them.
1. Learn and perfect every bondage skill BEFORE using it on a partner. Risk is unavoidable but can be greatly reduced when you know what you’re doing.
2. Anticipate the obvious. Interruptions can occur at any time (beds breaking, neighbours or friends calling etc etc), so be prepared for you begin your session.
3. Learn the basic pulse sites of the human body. This allows you to position ropes and restraints accordingly lowering the risk of injury to either party. For reference: pulse points are located on the wrists, inner-upper thighs and throat.
4. Ropes/Restraints should be snug NOT tight. You should be able to slip a finger underneath the rope or restraint.
5. Learn how long each bondage restraint can be endured and time it. This will help reduce the risk of injury.
6. Submissives: Never let anyone you don't know tie you up or restrain you. You are literally putting your life in someone’s hands during bondage so trust is a crucial factor.
7. Safewords. Agree them and practice them before you begin.
8. NEVER use a chain or rope around the throat.
9. Ensure you have a heavy pair of scissors ready to cut ropes and restraints should something go wrong.
10. ALWAYS observe a bound submissive when restrained. Check constantly for skin discolouration, numbness, and cold skin. These symptoms will present as blood circulation deteriorates.
Follow these rules and you will enjoy bondage a lot more.
Trust us. And remember it is all about trust.
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