Is There a Problem With Vanilla Sex?
To say that someone is ‘kinky’ or ‘vanilla’ is to ignore the wide and varied world of fetishes and sexual preferences nestled under the umbrella term of ‘kinky’. Simply put, it’s hard to say someone is truly vanilla or kinky. Everyone is different and everyone has different ways to enjoy their sexuality. Just because you enjoy being spanked does not mean you are into BDSM. Just because you enjoy having sex in the missionary position, does not mean you only enjoy having vanilla sex. As a culture, humans are obsessed with labelling things. You have to fit one label or another or we...
How to try bondage for the first time
“I want you to tie me up and do me hard!”
Those words are often music to a man’s ears! But what if you’ve never tried bondage before? You have no idea how your partner wants you to tie them up. You have no idea how they want you to ‘do them’ once you’ve tied them up. What if you cut off their circulation? What if they laugh at you once they see how awful your rope tying skills are? All these questions have plagues every man’s mind whenever the subject of bondage is brought up and they’ve never tried it.
Conquer your fears
Bondage is nothing to...
Bondage: The Rules Every Playmate Should Follow
Bondage is not for everyone, though we’d wager a good proportion of users on our site have at least experimented with it at some point. However no matter how light or heavy the bondage there are some vital rules everyone should follow. Kinky sex can bring great orgasms and pleasure. It can also bring great injuries and pain.
Below is a list of rules compiled from some bondage professionals we have consulted in providing our members with as much safety information as possible. Follow the rules and have fun!
Bondage: A brief definition
Before we...