When you go out on the razzle, there is always an instinct to finish up late. You go out, you get some food, you get some drinks, you go dancing… if you see someone you like often you will decide to wait for a whilst before doing something about it. It feels like it is easier to hook up with someone the later it gets. In some ways you are right, people get more drunk and thus are more open and interested in hooking up with someone… but if you are looking to go all the way, if you are looking to take someone home with you for a no strings attached night of fun, then you may be better off starting earlier in the night. Here is why.
Earlier in the night, people are more likely to come home with you
If you are want to take someone home, then later in the night is harder. Transport is more difficult to get hold of, any time spent out side in the colder air could put the person off and remind them to just go home instead. Even psychologically, it feels more dangerous the later it gets in the day. It generally feels more like there might be something dodgy, which makes people less trusting and brave. Whereas earlier in the night, the extra confidence and good feeling can manifest in a great chance of them wanting to come back to yours with you.
The sex is better
There are no two ways about this. The sex is better. Earlier in the night you have more energy, you are less tired, and you are more sober and ready to rumble! Alcohol whilst it may make you want to have sex more, it also reduces your ability to perform. You are less likely to orgasm fully if you are a little drunk, and so much more less likely if you are a lot of drunk! The extra sobriety is a good thing – trust me!
Less likely for buyers remorse
When someone comes back to yours late, whether they feel it or not, they are going to use the excuse of it being late to increase the chances of feeling buyers remorse. How this affects you is that they are so much less likely to want to come back to yours a second time. Now there is no problem with this, but I think it is always nice to have that as an option that you get to decide rather than relying on them, don’t you think?
So if you are planning on hooking up on a night out, consider making your moves earlier in the night rather than later in the night. You will find that you do a lot better over all.
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