best times for sex
The Fuck Buddy Apocalypse is here!
The last year has seen a dearth of sexual opportunity across Ireland. The coronavirus pandemic has seen the closing of bars and pubs, the restriction of movement and meetings, and the lack of new people coming into the area or country. All of this has meant that the last year has been a harder time than ever to hook and meet a fuck buddy. It has still been possible, it is always possible to meet someone for sex, it is too much a part of out basic human needs to ever be something that is removed from our reach, but it has been harder. Now those times have ended or at least are ending, and...
Start having sex earlier for a better time
When you go out on the razzle, there is always an instinct to finish up late. You go out, you get some food, you get some drinks, you go dancing… if you see someone you like often you will decide to wait for a whilst before doing something about it. It feels like it is easier to hook up with someone the later it gets. In some ways you are right, people get more drunk and thus are more open and interested in hooking up with someone… but if you are looking to go all the way, if you are looking to take someone home with you for a no strings attached night of fun, then you may be better off...
Why break up sex is amazing
No one likes to break up with someone else or be broken up with by someone else. It is as simple as that. Everyone can get that being dumped sucks, and that it hurts and is a mightily painful experience all around. However, most people don’t consider that this flows both ways. The person doing the break up has to go through a difficult process to reach that decision, then they have to really man up to make the break up happen, and then no matter the reasons they did the break up, they still share the feeling of loss on some level. On some part of their inner workings they too have lost a...
It is always awkward the first time: Feel the fear and do it anyway
Recently I had a friend of mine, (well actually an F-buddy f mine) talk about one her friends that doesn’t want to tell his f-buddy that he likes her. What he said was that it feels uncomfortable to say it, so even though he feels it he doesn’t want to say it. This got me thinking – everything is uncomfortable the first time, you just have to push through and do it anyway! Let me expand on this.
Back when you were a wee little person and completely new to girls/boys, if you liked someone even talking to them felt uncomfortable. Eventually you got over it, but the way you got over it...
The best times to have sex
Are you an after dark sexual deviant or do you prefer a morning sexual alarm call? It’s amazing how varied we all are in what times we like best to have sex at. Personally I like sex at any time, but I do admit to enjoying a good morning romp before getting up for work or going out somewhere.
Let’s look at the varied views and opinions on this.
1. Best time to have a mind bending orgasm if you’re a woman
According to a lot of research that’s been done at various Universities and sexual health clinics the best time for a woman to have a powerful...