Are you an after dark sexual deviant or do you prefer a morning sexual alarm call? It’s amazing how varied we all are in what times we like best to have sex at. Personally I like sex at any time, but I do admit to enjoying a good morning romp before getting up for work or going out somewhere.
Let’s look at the varied views and opinions on this.
1. Best time to have a mind bending orgasm if you’re a woman
According to a lot of research that’s been done at various Universities and sexual health clinics the best time for a woman to have a powerful orgasm is right before her period! Blood accumulation makes the uterus heavy which makes contractions more perceptible. In addition the labial and clitoral tissue gets more sensitive as it retains more fluid. So if you want a mind blowing orgasm as a girl, wait just before your period.
2. Best time for sex to last longer
When there is no pressure on either of you to be somewhere else. This can be anything from holidays to weekends or even after work. If you want longer lasting sex then you need to be assured that neither of you are in a rush to be somewhere else. It calms you both down and ensures that you can take your time.
3. Right after you exercise
A session down the gym has your endorphin levels already flowing at a high level which is the best time to engage in sex. You’re already feeling flooded with good feelings and a long hard fuck will make you feel even better.
4. In the middle of the night
It’s easy to get complacent, even with casual sex. Set your alarm to go off at 4 in the morning and start having some early action whilst most of the world is asleep around you. Nothing can be more arousing sometimes.
5. In the morning
Whilst women aren’t always up for a morning session, men like nothing better then to get their fuck on before getting up. For one thing we’re already hard as a result of biology, and for another it has perks for the woman as well. The sex is more intense and the chances of bringing you off are high!
6. When you’re busy
Sounds counterintuitive, but having sex when you’re overloaded can be just the stress relief you need. Nip out at lunch for a quick hook up and you’ll be surprised by how refreshed you feel in the afternoon.
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