make it happen
Feeling lonely? Feel a fuck buddy!
Life is far from perfect. There are always ups and downs to everyone’s lives. There are times when things are good and times when things are bad. That is the nature of things. In some parts of our lives this is easy to measure. In work, you can look at how much money you are earning and use that as a yardstick. With your family you look to see how often you are invited to things or called on the phone, then think about how much fun and joy you take in the company of your loved ones and base it on that. When it comes to relationships, the easy currency to measure things by is sex.
The only way to get sex is to take action
You know that moment where you see someone and you really like the look of them – infact lets just take it as read that you see them you decide that you most definitely want to fuck them. I mean they look just your type, and all you want to do is grab them, throw them against a wall and give them a good seeing to? Well the only way to make this happen is to take action. This may seem rather obvious to say, but so many times action is not taken, and you end up where you started regardless because you have failed to do anything to make it happen. Let me break it down for you.