member spotlight
Member spotlight: Eliza
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the only place to come when you are looking to do some adult dating. With this kind of dating on the rise (adult dating we mean) there are more and more people signing up to websites like ours in order to find a fuck buddy, hook up, a friend with benefits or other casual relationship. Do some of them end up transitioning into more normal relationships? Sure they do! Is that the intention when people sign up? Absolutely not! People sign up because they are looking for one thing and one thing only… sex! That is why they are here and why, we hope, you are...
Member spotlight: meet Turi
Welcome to the Christmas edition of the f-buddy blog, and may we take this time to wish you a very happy holidays. Christmas is a great time to be dating. We always get an influx of new members joining the site (especially just after new year’s day as people follow thought on their resolutions to do something about their lack of action in the bedroom for the previous months or, sometimes, years!). This make is a great time to be joining to hook up with someone of partake in some adult dating. Finding a fuck buddy has never been easier that in modern times, so why not take advantage of it?...
Member spotlight: meet Rita
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the one stop shop where you can meet someone like minded for some adult dating. We are here in November and the weather is warming up nicely… which means more skin on show, more hormones in the air and generally a higher availability of sex for all concerned! This is a good time to be alive and in Australia, especially if you are single at the moment (or in an open relationship or the equivalent). There are lots of people who are single and ready to mingle, and there is something about the warming weather that can really help with that. It drives the body...
Member spotlight: meet Laura
Welcome the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you find other like-minded individuals find other adults for some no-nonsense fun. This month, as always, we have had our usual influx of buddying hopefuls who are looking for that some to not spend the rest of their lives with! This is the opposite of the tv show married at first sight, the goal is to have sex on the first night and even if you do end up meeting up more than once, the last thing anyone here wants is to do anything more than that! Everyone here is a consenting adult who is looking for something without the strings....
Member spotlight: meet Valentina
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you meet other like minded adults for some no nonsense fun. This month I watched “Soulmates” for the first time. It is an amazon prime series all about a world where science discovers that there is a “soul” element, and that they can use this to track and identify your one true “Soulmate” for life. This throughs the world and relationships into turmoil as people split up to run off and be with their one “true” love. It breaks marriages, causes strife and in one episode even causes a murder or two (no spoilers on what or where in...
Member profile: meet Mary
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help like-minded individuals like you meet others for some no strings attached fun. As we exit June 2022 and look to move into July 2022, there has never been a better time to meet someone. There is nothing like being able to booty call someone to your flat, house or pad when you want. The only thing better than that is being the one being booty called to someone else’s house, flat or pad! Sex is healthy, good for you and I honestly believe that if more people were having sex then we may actually move towards world peace faster! The...
Member spotlight: Jade
Welcome to the f-buddy website. If you are looking for a friends with benefits, hookup, fuck buddy or other adult relationship, this is the place to come. We are focused on adult dating, so all our members are sensible adults who know why they are here and what they are here for. This means there is none of the nonsense, messiness or complications that come with more traditional relationships. Everyone knows where they stand and what it is that they want. They get to have what they want and they also get to not have what they do not want, and that latter part is almost the more important...
Member spotlight: meet Merritt
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the site where we help like minded individuals find each other for some no strings attached fun. Each month we like to spotlight one of our new members joining the website and what a selection we have had this month! Over the last few months, the coronavirus restrictions have started to lift slowly. It has been done at different speeds in different parts of the world, but ultimately things are getting easier. Easier to go out, easier to meet people, and most definitely easier to hook up! This has meant that people are starting to come out of their cocoons...
Member profile: meet Amelie
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we can help you find another like minded adult for some no strings attached fun. This month we have had the usual string of new members join the website, each looking for a no strings attached relationship. Each of them has duly filled out the minimum required information to be able to sign up. Some of them have also provided additional information that will help filter and select the right fuck buddy for them. Each month we like to spotlight a new member. With that in mind, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to Amelie to you.
Member profile: meet Tina
Welcome to the fuck buddy website. The new year 2022 is here, and with the new year come a whole host of new members to the website that are just dying to meet someone to have a no strings attached relationship with, and that person could well be you! When is comes to finding a fuck buddy, there is no objectively “good” or “bad” person. It is all about compatibility. It is about two people who want the same things coming together. So no matter what it is that you are looking for, there is always going to be someone out there that is looking for the same thing. It is just a case of finding...