member spotlight
Member profile: Meet Tina
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we try and help like-minded adults find no strings attached relationships with other like-minded adults. September is here and more people are hooking up with a fuck buddy than ever before. The global pandemic that has swept the globe has changed how people chose to spend their time. People are travelling less and less, and they also have more time to have sex than ever before. Working from home is an excellent way to ensure that you can have a lunchtime quickie! There are some benefits to this!
Each month we do like to highlight...
Member profile: meet Bethany
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the website that helps you find that someone that is looking for you to be their fuck buddy! Here at f-buddy, we are big believers in adult dating. We believe that the best way to date is to do so casually. A good friends with benefits relationship beats a worn-out stale long term relationship any day. Having a fuck buddy really can change your life. Not only can he access to sex being joy and happiness to you, but there is also a real pleasure in giving someone else that same pleasure. Whilst you are being pleasured, you are actually giving that person...
Member profile: meet Caitlin
Welcome to the fuck buddy website! We are living in the most strange of times. With the Coronavirus causing havoc around the world, things have changed globally. Travel has been restricted, the transportation of goods from one place to another have become problematic for a lot of industries, and the number of people working from home has never been higher. People are cautious about meeting other people and going to places where large social gatherings usually happen. This is having a global impact on the mental health and well being of people all over the world. We are social creatures; we...
Member profile: Meet Sophia
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help like minded adults find each other for some no strings attached fun. Here at the f-buddy website, our goal is to help you find someone that you can meet for some adult dating. Being able to access online portals to meet people has never been more important. With the COVID-19 virus causing a global pandemic, meeting people face to face by “chance” has never been less likely! Many of the usual social gathering places where one might hook up with someone, or connect with someone else looking for a fuck buddy, are closed. Even when...
Member Spotlight: meet Zoe
Welcome to the fuck buddy website. Despite whole sections of the world going into lock down during this crazy coronavirus fuelled time, here at f-buddy we have continued to run as normal. In fact, due to the fact that all the bars, clubs, and other places of social gathering are all shut, we have seen an influx of new members joining specifically because they can no longer meet people in person. The internet has come into its own at this time of lock down, and more people are doing more things online than ever before, from their yoga classes to meeting up with friends in “virtual pubs.”...
Member spotlight: meet Emily
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the website where we help you find other like-minded individuals to have a no strings attached relationship. Is you are looking for sex without any of the nonsense that comes with a full-blown relationship, then this is the right place to be. We do our best to help you find someone else who is looking for the same thing as you. At this time of the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, more people than ever are turning to online websites in order to meet people. Social distancing means that hooking up with people in an outdoor location has become very...
Member Spotlight: Meet Jimena
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you, well, find a fuck buddy! There are lots of names for a non-monogamous relationship, which is broadly what we are talking about. These include “friends with benefits”, “no strings attached relationships”, “polyamorous relationships”… but fuck buddy is my favourite. It sums up what the relationship is so well. It is also an exciting word. It smells of elicit meetings and forbidden relationships, which somehow make the whole thing all the more exciting.
Here at the fuck buddy website, we have had our usual influx of new...
Member profile: Meet Katie
Welcome to January 2020 and the fuck buddy website. We enter not just a brand new year, but a new decade! The 20’s are now here, and they bring with them all the promise and potential that a fresh year brings. The slate has been wiped clean. The coming year is yours to write as you wish to. Whether you want to change where you live, start a new career by moving jobs, or alter the relationships that you currently have, the new year is a great time to do it. If your sex life is one of the things that you want to address, you should do it. With the online community exploding as it has in the...
Member Profile: Meet Alicia
Welcome to December 2019! Here at the fuck buddy website we are very aware that this is the last month of the year. So many things left to do before the end of the year. Get that project finished that you have been putting of for 11 months. Go see that friend that you have been meaning to see but have never quite gotten around to meeting up with. Watch that film or do that activity that you have really wanted to do but haven’t quite found the time to. The end of the year is a time to force yourself to finish off all those things.
December is also a great time to find a fuck buddy if...
Member Spotlight: Meet Carrie
Welcome to F-buddy website. As we come into the very end of the year, there is so much that we can still squeeze into 2019 before it ends. If you have a bucket list of things to do and you haven’t ticked much off this year, there is still time to make it happen! If you want to travel, book a flight now and make the rest up later. If you meant to move jobs, make some applications! It is surprising the number of jobs that open up as people leave their work for the same reasons that you want their job! If you still haven’t cleaned and tidied the house, now is a perfect time. You can start...