how to talk dirty in a text
What to text the day after
Welcome to the fuck buddy website the place where we help you find a fuck buddy for mutual benefits (without the strings). Today we are talking about what you can text the day after having had a hook up to see if your fuck buddy of the night before might be interested in, well, doing it again!
Finding a fuck buddy can be straightforward. With the advent of online dating, meeting someone has never been easier. Whilst messaging remains the strongest way to meet someone, you can even reach for a swipe based app if you need to lower the barrier to entry further. This means you are...
SMS, WhatsApp, Signal and Threema messages to send to your fuck buddy the day afterwards
When it comes to adult dating, texting and instant messaging are now a staple part of the courtship ritual. Of course, nothing beats in person contact or face to face meetings, but in order to make those meetings happen you have to accept that communication using the written word is necessary. We no longer live in a world where you just pick up a phone and call someone, you really do text, WhatsApp, or for the more security-minded perhaps you are using Threema or Signal instead. Regardless of the platform that you are using, texting (or sexting) is now the way that you make things happen...
How and When to Dirty Text
We’ve talked about sexting before on this blog so now we want to talk about dirty texting and how to do it. There are still many opinions on the net as to what the exact differences between sexting and dirty texting are. Put simply, dirty texting is a way of creating arousal in a fuck buddy before you even meet. If you can give your f-buddy an orgasm before you’ve even met them, then they will automatically associate that pleasure with you. This creates a level of attraction that will blow your mind…as well as other things.
What is a dirty text?
Before we...